Wednesday, December 18, 2013

And so it begins.

Ladies and gentlemen, there -is- news this week!

And that news is: I have finished the edits on Tybalt's book (henceforward referred to as Immortal Lies)! I put in a final mad rush of effort and got through umpteenth reading, discovered that I quite liked the end of the book, and got started on the process of sending it out to various distribution places so you all can decide whether you like it too!

I then ate cookies because I deserved them. :)

Today I have started attempting to piece together my official website. There is nothing spectactular over there now. As a matter of fact, it's pretty kludged together, but it will get better, as these sorts of things do. When it's fit for true inspection I will, of course, announce it here. For the moment, it's a placeholder that would simply send you back here to the blog, rinse repeat.

If you're just visiting, hello! If you've been here before but have forgotten the project I've been babbling about that has me excited again, it's this one:

Can you blame me for letting go a little squeal of joy? First, I get to show off this gorgeous cover again. Secondly, it's done, it's done, it's DONE!


Happy Wednesday!

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